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Hey There

This is my page it's about my philanthropy efforts through my private corporate charitable efforts to addressing famine globally. If you're interested in knowing more about my private corporate famine philanthropy efforts please contact me as this requires a username and password to access and become involved in.


I will supply you a user name and password depending on your level of interest in becoming involved in my philanthropy perhaps you are and we can help save the lives of children globally together while sharing our experiences helping children performing children in crisis response while becoming close personal friends helping each other?

All About Me

This space is a great opportunity to become involved in helping fight famine all around the world it will give in time a full background on who I am, what I do and what my site has to offer. You're here because you are genuinely interested in learning more about me and what I do and how you to can become involved in my children in crisis response global private corporate charitable philanthropy.


Don’t be afraid to share your experiences with me and lets create a friendly relationship where we can help those suffering from famine globally together. I studied a lot of charities and I have done a lot of research and I continue to do a lot of research and this is a growing thing. I became quite disillusioned by the present state of affairs when it comes to helping children and charities diplomacy and Geos governments politics natural disasters wars civil on rest gangs climate change abuse the marginalization of children exploitation of children and I decided to take what's called "TWO_TRACK_DIPLOMACY" route.


That's why I chose to remain a private corporate charitable philanthropist in this way I can do more I have more leverage I am not but in sold or owned by any organization Government government official many controlling force that always ends up seeking to control manage manipulate intimidate the narratives behind famine. Yes this is a new involved approach for sure and I'm going slow and being careful I value my life in the lives of everyone equally and this road to helping children and famine is a highly complex stand not as I say for the faint of heart for those who don't have an inner courage when it comes to helping children increases when you consider that I have learned from my research that the majority of crisis the children are facing globally is created by adults often the adults who are the closest to them.

Every personal philanthropy effort of anyone has a story, and this is mine, its a little different then most others and I appreciate you visiting my private corporate charitable philanthropy homepage. I want you to feel at home and make it your page when it comes to helping everyone who is suffering from famine.


I always appreciate hearing from you, I find helping others suffering from famine has been the most rewarding thing that I have ever spent my time doing. This is not for the weak or faint of heart, it's a very difficult thing to attempt to do because in doing so you have to face all the suffering in the world. At certain times the only thing that you can do is walk away for a while it's not something that humans are wired or built to endure it can be completely crushing at time.


There are many good souls who have spent a whole lifetime being crushed by working within it but it is only through understanding it that we can overcoming it in the more of us who share that burden the better it will be for all of us and the more will get done so from the bottom of my heart welcome aboard good soul.



Contact me using the email address below or message me on LinkedIn and I'll get you, your user name and password which subscribes you to my monthly new letter that tells you all about whats going on and how it all works.






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