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Welcome to Gold Room Resources News Letter


The mineral resource News Letter homepage for investors looking for an edge in investing opportunities in early and advanced stage Gold Exploration Projects in New Brunswick and the Maritime Provinces.


Gold Room Resources News Letter is targeted at helping those investors looking for that small but very crucial edge in getting ahead of the pack when it comes to investing in gold projects.


It is a very simple and straight forward easy to read and easy to follow  News Letter.


This is how it works, once you sign up, each month thereafter you will be emailed the GRR News Letter, just open it in your email and quickly scan the five most important gold investing points which have survived the months top five cut, below the top five cut you will find in red the five topics which we feel did not make the cut for this month which are put into the competition for the next months top five cut and on it goes month to month which you our readers can send your ideas in to us which we will have someone put together a news letter article on. We at GRR News Letter aspire to become a monthly gold industry magazine. Please be advised that I (Mr. Thomas J. MacLean) am not a investment adviser and I will not be personsally writing any articles within the News Letter. The SME's who do will be knowledgeable concerning the topic or article I ask them to write concerning and their article submission should in no way be taken as registered investor adviser advise please always consult your own registered investor adviser for your own personal advise. The hope of the New Letter is to mearly put you onto perhaps some new news which is interesting to you and therefore offers you an early edge, no securities would be ever offered, no stocks or securities would be ever traded no fees or subscriptions fees are ever charged. My only hope is to try and help the capital markets of New Brunswick and the Martime Provinces which are so sadly lagging.   


One of the most exciting developments approaching fast is our own ICO offering through our in-house software development of whats named BLUEPRINT which is our own highly unique blueprint for our own blockchain development, should you be interested in getting in on our extremely environment friendly and social fabric changing ICO please connect with us through our sign-in secure gate page as all securities regulations apply.


This is the launch of a new industry changing ICO, you should be invested in, find out what it has to do with gold that is creating all the talk, buzz and excitement and keeping us here up all night.


What's the difference in a ICO backed by gold and not backed by gold?


What's behind our ICO ?


Should your wish to buy then you want to apply for a user name and password and login to the website investor side (all regulations are first cleared here before any and all transactions).


Once your cleared as an investor and have determined the amount which you wish to buy, every transaction which you personally make within, over and across our decentralized private network blockchain you make though using your same uniquely personal public hashed personal key which contains your uniquely hashed private key encoded within it as your unique system user name which also at the same time can prove to the complete system who you are anytime that it becomes required or requested.


Transaction Line becomes your contained hashed transaction request and its hash is send via the network to all nodes throughout the system each node returned your transaction request to all other nodes in the system until CONSENSUS THEORY is reached by the overall system, by each node entering your public key and transaction hash into their own CONSENSUS THEORY VIRTUAL MACHINE


In simple language AND this is concerning and specific to potential Computer Theory and its potential future operation Only not to any form of cryptocurrency which such operational computer language would control, it is consensus across all system nodes acting as date time stamp with a final hash, it equals blockchain without the extreme programming requirements, without the extreme energy costs, without the extreme waste, with the highest possible conservation which is the greatest possible maximizing of resources which can potentially result in the greatest possible profit maximizing while creating the greatest truly sustainability that is ever possible.


Like all emerging blockchain technology that in theory offer complete protection to all investors who are (persons of the public) while with GGCC-BLUEPRINT can be understood to be the only blockchain theory that in theory can be deemed possible to deliver complete protection to (persons of the public) which it can be seen and understood to do by completely eliminating each and everyone of them (persons of the public) from ever accessing the system which is the only possible way when one thinks about it is the only way for them to be protected (persons of the public) by their staying home safe and protected at the advise from those appointed to protect them who use fear mongering when it comes to new and innovative concepts and technologies which they always see as a challenge to their loss of authority and control. GGCC-BLUEPRINT insures that only certified and qualified ACCREDITED INVESTORS ONLY are ever entered into the system in theory. 


The beauty of BLUEPRINT takes anyone interested in joining us into the realm of the private financial markets where we are responsible for the protecting of ourselves individually and collectively as a private group which trusts in its own self like adults in a free world should be allowed to do freely, only now with BLUEPRINT that deep trust among our private group is not even necessary but is now only a valued luxury and not an absolute requirement as with the use of BLUEPRINT it is the anonymous, autonomous, decentralized transaction peer to peer network BLUEPRINT which provides trust through each and every one of its final outputs and each and every micro transparent transaction across all of the BLUEPRINT blockchain which lead to each unique result. It provides complete transparency to all nodes across the BLUEPRINT blockchain. It reveals to everyone who needs know should they ever have a need or desire to view our complete content on BLUEPRINT, like I say it proves we have nothing to hide ever.


Please feel, free to sign up for access to Gold Room Resources News Letter by contacting us through the

investor SIGN-IN on the main menu.


Yours in investing in gold and its future technological forms.


Tom MacLean s, ceo, bc



I have of late been asked often about digital currency. This is a sample of what this type of question looks like.



I got a question?

If currency disappears will gold be useful if it's all digital?


My answer: From News Letter 12.49 1842020


First: I must disclose to you and all who may ever read this that I am not in anyway a financial adviser and while also disclosing that I am in gold mining and that I also have a knowledge background in studying Bitcoin, Ethereum and blockchain and ledger technologies and their associated intellectual concepts. Given that disclosed what I say here in answering is only my personal opinion and is never any kind of advise and should never be taken as financial advise. Please seek advise from only qualified financial advisers who are required to be registered with the New Brunswick Securities Commission under NB-FCSC, but I am not in anyway an adviser as I am a corporate ceo and not a financial adviser though I act at times as a business consultant which is not to be ever confused with that I ever offer any personal financial advise, ever, I do not.


Gold has always been a rare and important metal, it is perhaps the most important metal of all metals for its important conductive, stretching, thin covering and many other vehicle carrier properties electrical, wire ductile, leaf and nano respectively which gold can support which can not be supported by any other metal and thus it has acted as an important benchmark of individual as well as a countries monetary value for these exclusive rare natural properties which humans have determined one by one over the longest of possible time scales possible over our collective human history which no over night cryptocurrency bubble can ever hope to replicate over night or even over an active life span of a hundred years. Thus in my own personal opinion I believe gold is not going anywhere or at risk of ever being replaced from any digital cryptocurrency no matter how good the ledger or elaborate form of blockchain or type of work devised.


The fact that Nixon did away with the gold standard in 1971 mainly due the fact that he was printing money to win the proxy war with the communists in the proxy war battle fields of Asia by printing money well beyond what the gold standard showed he could safely do he decided the only way to win the war with the communists was to get rid of the gold standard which he did and while I believe we won that proxy war against the communist which was a good thing and I will never judge him for how he felt he had to do to win it if it was the only way he felt there was to beat the communists well good for him while at the same time he ended up in Watergate and the gold standard was never officially reinstated by the US and its only currency appeared to replace the gold standard and while given all that when the world gets into really deep trouble such as we are presently in with SARS-CoV as we are it is not hard to see what is happening with gold as other stocks fall gold rises in pretty much the same amounts.


Golds rare nature and more importantly its physical possession in any individual persons hand or in a countries monetary reserve vaults is only ever possible of being first discovered through the important work of mineral exploration, its extraction and its separating from waste rock and its processing which is a direct measure of its value which is relative to the amount and degree of work that has to go into our human and social requiring it and therefore our need in our physically need in our also desiring in our acquiring it.


Digital currency is not so and although blockchain holds out hope of decentralization and wide-scale authentication work is a problem as well bitcoin has no intrinsic value as it can not do any of the physical things which physical gold can do which are extremely technically and technological important such as protect an astronaut from ultraviolet rays by acting as a thin layer on their face shield which gold can do. Additionally gold is highly important also across all commodities and all sectors from precious and base metals to space sciences to nanotechnologies.


So in my OWN PERSONAL opinion while currency may well become only digital it is only one digital currency which I have which is backed by my own gold reserves and gold technologies which will be trusted and supported by physical gold which is tied to the one gold producer and gold technology research developer combined which is who I am. So to say it another way only digital currency which is the most strongly backed by all aspects which gold has historically provided paper currency will become the most trusted digital currency.


Hope that answers your question.


You may also be interested in signing up for my news-letter.








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Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: This Press Release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results to differ materially from the statements made. When used in this document, the words “may”, “would”, “could”, “will”, “intend”, “plan”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “estimate”, “expect” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are subject to such risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause our actual results to differ materially from the statements made, including those factors discussed in filings made by us with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties, occur or should assumptions underlying the forward looking statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, or expected. We do not intend and do not assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law. Shareholders are cautioned not to put undue reliance on such forward-looking statements.

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